Friday, August 19, 2011

Why Choosing The Hard Way

Tell you over and over about this. We as retail traders, fighting the whole world, including the best traders, institutions, banks with superior and thousands of human resources, vast experiences, best trading tools in the world, connection with high level government, insider information, and trading infrastructures costs million of dollars.

And who we are? Fighting alone with our own brain armed with cheap broker, a laptop, and decent internet connection. In the short run, we can make money. I believe that definitely. But in the long run, the world class player like I mention will adjust their style, and eating alive contemplate trader.

And you want to fight them fair and square? Give me a break...

However, the good news are: there's a better way.. Join the dark side of trading method. Don't fight the world, fight your brokers. Looking for idiot broker is easier than finding world class trading method which will be expired sooner or later.

Join the dark side and make money you have never imagined before.